Putting diversity centre stage at events

Geosciences congress focuses on inclusion

Eingang 1 des Austria Center Vienna am EGU 2023 mit vielen Menschen.
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The General Assembly of the EGU 2023 opened its doors to more than 18,000 geologists at the Austria Center Vienna in 2023. In the process, the congress set a clear example when it comes to diversity and inclusion: with a joined-up concept that put integrity and acceptance at the heart of everything. Locally sourced, organic catering completed the concept. A bigger picture that resonates.

Participant boom-All signs set for growth

The EGU23 General Assembly welcomed 18,831 registered participants – 15,453 from 107 countries attending in-person and a further 3,378 from 105 countries joining in online. Unlike last year, the Austria Center Vienna was once again able to welcome the majority of participants as on-site attendees. With a total of 16,357 talks taking place across 938 sessions, the congress was a great success.

Promenade mit Menschen und Citylight Screens vor dem Austria Center Vienna.


“A destination’s attitude to the topic of inclusion is now among the main factors behind whether participants decide to attend a congress. So I am very happy that we have such an open city in Vienna and a partner in the Austria Center Vienna that we can implement inclusive concepts with.”

Martin Rasmussen, Managing Director Copernicus.org

A congress for everyone-Focus on inclusion

The congress sent out a high-profile signal about inclusion for all, regardless of their origin, cultural background or gender identity. Pronouns on badges ensured that no-one was misgendered when networking. Meanwhile, gender-neutral bathrooms, as well as nursing, retreat and prayer rooms also enhanced participant well-being. Many participants from low-income countries received travel support.

Foto: Toiletten mit Aufschrift "All Gender"

Local and organic-Catering to every taste

The catering mix included a full range of regional, organically grown and fair-trade food and drinks to suit every palate. Vegetarian and vegan dishes also featured, with full allergen information clearly displayed. Indoors, Motto Café served its guests culinary treats, while outdoors a cosy marquee with benches provided plenty of space.


Childcare-Fun and games for children

With free childcare part of the package, participants were even able to attend the congress with their children. A quiet room, creative room, play room and movement room for children aged 1-12 were available at the venue, while the nearby Donaupark is always ideal for outdoor activities. And multilingual assistants made sure that all of the children felt comfortable.

Childcare during congresses
Foto: Maltisch für Kinder mit einem Bild, Malfarbe und Stiften

-Anyone for any more branding?

Are you looking to stage a best practice event in Vienna and want to find out everything there is to know about branding at the venue? We’ll work with you to design and implement a creative head turner that features all the aesthetic highlights – for on-site events or hybrid settings.

Best of branding
Die Eingangshalle des Austria Center Vienna mit gruen beleuchteter polySTAGE LED-Installation und vielen Menschen.


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