-Compliance at IAKW-AG
Internationales Amtssitz- und Konferenzzentrum Wien, Aktiengesellschaft (IAKW-AG) is responsible for managing and maintaining the Vienna International Centre (VIC) and operating the Austria Center Vienna (ACV). As Austria’s largest conference centre, adopting and living by a compliance culture that ensures impeccable and exemplary conduct is especially important to us.
In its most literal sense, the term compliance means adherence to all applicable laws and regulations by the company and its employees. But beyond that, it also means observing generally accepted principles that are intended to positively shape the behaviour of business partners, stakeholders and employees, and our dealings with them. At our company, compliance goes right to the heart of our day-to-day activities. It is a central element of our corporate culture and an indispensable building block for lasting success. Binding for all employees, our Code of Conduct clearly sets out our expectations and values. Employees are expected to behave in line with these standards.
The company-wide compliance guidelines also call for the establishment of a compliance management system, which is designed to provide a framework that ensures continued adherence with expected standards. The compliance management system is overseen by the Management Board, which is the most senior governing body. The Management Board is supported by a Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer is responsible for the operational implementation of the compliance strategy and serves as the central point of contact for employees and third parties for all compliance-related matters. In this role, the Compliance Officer is not bound by directions, in order to ensure the effectiveness of our compliance management system. As part of a risk-centred compliance strategy, potential compliance risks are identified and risk processes defined to avoid them. Risk owners are appointed and receive specific training to help safeguard against compliance risks. These measures are supported by regular staff training measures designed to ensure that employees can identify compliance-related issues and act accordingly.
Zitat Baumann
For me, compliance is a question of corporate responsibility and integrity. In our role as Management Board members, we bear responsibility not only for the financial well-being of our company, but also for the well-being of our employees, customers and society as a whole.
Mag. Dr. Susanne Baumann-Söllner, Managing Director Congress Management, Management Board Spokesperson

Zitat Rotter
As the board member responsible for Building and Facility Management, I see compliance as a key element in ensuring the quality of our construction projects. It goes beyond legal obligations and ensures that every construction project fulfils the requirements of professionalism and integrity.
DI Dr. Michael Rotter, Managing Director Building and Facility Management

IAKW-AG recognises that confidentiality is a core requirement for an effective compliance management system. To this end, IAKW-AG is also committed to implementing the Austrian HinweisgeberInnenschutzgesetz (Whistleblower Protection Act) as amended. Our whistleblower system not only functions as a risk prevention tool, but also sends out a clear signal about our transparent and ethical corporate culture. It enables employees and external stakeholders to report potential violations or concerns regarding our business operations in complete confidence.
File a report
If you would like to submit a confidential report, the following link will take you to our whistleblower system (German page).
All employees of IAKW-AG are defined as public officials under criminal law and therefore have special responsibilities with regard to official malpractice under the Austrian Criminal Code. IAKW-AG expects its employees to act with integrity and a sense of responsibility at all times and trusts them to refrain from actions that are incompatible with the duties of a public company and to avoid conflicts of interest. These primarily include the acceptance of benefits for actions performed in accordance with their duty as well as for those that constitute a breach of duty. IAKW employees are obliged to carry out their official duties conscientiously and impartially in compliance with the applicable legal framework.