Your stage in the heart of Europe

Let your brand shine at our venue.

Sitzreihen voll Menschen blicken auf die Buehne von Saal A bei einem Corporate Event im Austria Center Vienna.
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-Exclusivity for memorable moments

The world's most liveable city in the heart of Europe, Vienna is a place where tradition and modernity come together in the most charming way. The Austria Center Vienna embodies all of these qualities while providing the ideal platform for staging and networking. Exclusivity and state-of-the-art technology are all given. Stage a eye-catching spectacle that your participants will remember.

Destination Vienna-Imperial meets modern

Vienna combines an illustrious history with a vibrant urban lifestyle. Monumental buildings from the days of empire, world-famous cultural treasures, culinary delights and a unique charm complete the former imperial city’s portfolio. Located in the centre of Europe, Vienna is easy and quick to reach thanks to its outstanding international connections.

Come to Vienna
Foto: Wiener Burggarten

-Meet us in the extraordinary

Eine Frau faehrt eine Rolltreppe hinauf. Zwei Maenner und eine Frau vor einem schoenem, alten Gebauede. Einige Menschen sitzen auf der Buehne einer Oper, waehrend dort eine Frau etwas praesentiert. Eine Frau in einem historischen Raum auf einem Reitplatz mit einem weissen Pferd. Eine Gruppe trinkt dort Kaffee. Eine Gruppe auf einer Plattform in einem See, ein Mann wird ins Waser fallen. Ein Mann und eine Frau in einem Raum voller gruener Pflanzen, ein anderes Paar auf einem drehenden Karussel. Eine Gruppe an einem Tisch zwischen Weinbergen auf einem Feld, im Hintergrund ist eine Stadt zu sehen.

HIGH SAFETY STANDARDS-Safety and security are paramount at our venue

When you choose Vienna, you are choosing one of the safest cities in the world. Located next door to the UN headquarters, the Austria Center Vienna has always been synonymous with exceptional security – for guests, employees, participants and data alike. The venue has a proven track record of regularly hosting events with strict security requirements.

More about safety and security
Photo: VIC Vienna

INNOVATIVE BRANDING-Creating unforgettable moments

Turn our venue into an exclusive stage for making a major statement. State-of-the-art technology and professional partners will be at your side to help implement custom branding concepts for your events. Create interactive and innovative branding universes that your participants will remember. Highly flexible infrastructure, a free rein when it comes to creativity and that all-important wow factor

Explore digital brandings
Foto: Goldener Totenkopf mit LED -Wand in Eingangshalle Austria Center Vienna


+43 1 260 69 0

Mon—Fr 9am—3pm (MEZ)

[email protected]
+43 1 260 69 355

Mon—Thu 9am—4pm, Fri 9am—12pm (MEZ)

[email protected]