Moving Experiences

The only LED installation of its kind anywhere in the world.

Staging for moving events.

The perfect welcome for your participants.



The entrance hall of the Austria Center Vienna is transformed into a customisable stage.

Die Eingangshalle des Austria Center Vienna mit beleuchteter polySTAGE LED-Installation, die ein rot-blau florales Muster zeigt.

52 individually movable LED panels. 310m² total display area.

Die Eingangshalle des Austria Center Vienna mit beleuchteter polySTAGE LED-Installation, die Fotos von Klimt Kunstwerken zeigt.

Tech Specs

310m² total display area

107 million pixels

8 media servers & 2 tracking servers

52 individually controllable LED panels

1 LED banner & 2 LED walls

sound system for a immersive experience

Find out more about the polySTAGE now

+43 1 260 69 0

Mon—Fr 9am—3pm (MEZ)

[email protected]
+43 1 260 69 355

Mon—Thu 9am—4pm, Fri 9am—12pm (MEZ)

[email protected]